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Home / 2024-08-31 / Count: 61

Songlin Elementary School is located in Xigang District, Shelin Village, on the northern bank of the Zengwen River, adjacent to Xiecuoliao in Madou District. The village comprises four major tribes and eight settlements, with a population of 1,877 people. The village name "Shenlin" is an abbreviation of the Taiwanese term "Shèn-á-lîm," which first appeared in the 1717 "Gazetteer of Zhuluo County." The area was once covered with mango trees, leading to the local name that reflects its rich cultural heritage. On August 1, 1960, a branch of Houying Elementary School was established at the current location. The school became independent on August 1, 1970, and was renamed "Songlin Elementary School of Xigang Township, Tainan County."

The beauty of Songlin elementary school          The tree house

In a grove of the Pipal tree, there is a tree house. Pipal tree is called a holy tree or thinking tree because Buddha realized everything under the tree. The shape of the leaf is heart. We wish students love reading and thinking; therefore we build a tree house where they can enjoy themselves, especially reading. The name of the tree house is the space of time traveling which means when students read, they would follow the story back to the past or going to the future. Let’s take a look in the trees. What would you find around the tree house?




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